Education can be very expensive. Exploring all the options available to you in funding your education is a wise decision that could save you thousands of dollars. If you are the child or spouse of someone in the military, you may be able to tap into financial resources available to help you pay for your education. There are also some great tax software programs available like the new Turbo tax military edition that can assist families with often overlooked educational tax deductions. Here are some education financial help resources for military spouses and children. Here are some education financial help resources for military spouses and children.
Homefront America
Homefront America assists military families in a number of ways. One of them is the American Patriot Freedom Scholarship award.
In partnership with the W. Daniel Tate Family and Sara's Hope Association, Homefront America conducts an essay contest that is open to dependent children of military parents. Each year, twenty $1,000.00 scholarships are awarded through this program. To learn more about this scholarship, visit
Military provides educational assistance scholarships for military children. To qualify for the scholarship, you must be unmarried and under 23 years old (or 21 year old if attending school part-time). You also must maintain a grade point average of at least 3.0. Anyone who has already attained an undergraduate college degree is not eligible. For more details or to apply for a scholarship, visit
Military Officers' Association of America
The MOAA provides an educational assistance program designed to help military children with their education financial needs. They help with money for undergraduate study by providing grants and scholarships to pay for tuition, books, and housing costs. In addition, they also provide interest free loans to qualifying military children in need. The money can be used for up to five years of college. You can find loan application instructions, application deadline dates, and options for repayment of loans you've already taken out with them at
Joann Holbrook Patton Military Spouse Scholarships
The National Military Family Association awards this scholarship to spouses of soldiers in active duty, those in the National Guard and reserves, and veterans. The scholarships are $500.00-$1,000.00. The amount of scholarships given out under this program varies each year. The application for this scholarship consists of short answer and essay questions. You can apply at and the deadline for submitting the application is usually around March 15 of each year.
Army Scholarship Foundation
This foundation awards one-year scholarships to those who qualify. The amount of the scholarships varies, but is usually between $500.00 and $2,000.00. Recipients of these scholarships are allowed to apply for the award to be renewed each year for four total years of undergraduate schooling at an accredited university, but the renewal is not guaranteed. The ASF does not supply grants or loans in addition to the scholarships it offers. To qualify, you must have a good academic record and a history of participation in extracurricular activities. Apply at
Air Force Aid Society
The AFAS is the official charity of the Air Force. It seeks to help the families of Air Force personnel to attain an education through projects like the General Henry H. Arnold Education Grant program. This program awards education grants of $2,000.00 to the children of Air force personnel. The AFAS has been awarding scholarships since 1942 and the qualifications vary. To learn more about the AFAS, visit
Hopefully, these resources provide a way of easing your financial burden. As a military child or spouse seeking to fund the cost of your education, you owe it to yourself to investigate any area of assistance that is available to help you make your dream of receiving a college education come true.
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