We have tried to list the discounts that a normal veteran or military person would need. The discounts below should be ongoing, not one-time specials.
gmmilitarydiscount.com: GM new car discounts.
fordsalutesthosewhoserve.com : Ford discounts.
https://www.apple.com/r/store/government/ : Apple Store discounts for government employees.
https://www.t-mobile.com/responsibility/community/military : T-Mobile discounts
https://www.veteransadvantage.com/ : Home Depot discounts.
https://www.lowes.com/u/register?context=military : Lowes discounts.
https://baseballhall.org/events/veterans-day-celebration : Baseball Hall of Fame gives free admission to veterans and military EVERYDAY of the year!
Walmart does not appear to offer any military discounts, but:
Just check! Almost every name brand chain of restaurants, fast food, large retail stores, hotels, airlines, and more, offer a military and veteran discount. Just ask a manager or an employee when you arrive. Please do this BEFORE checking out. You avoid delays and problems this way, and some of these only offer it to active duty.