Thursday, April 22, 2010

Navy Seal Cleared

A US Navy Seal has been cleared of any wrongdoing in Iraq. Common sense prevails.
Petty Officer 1st Class Julio Huertas has been found not guilty. This Petty Officer was a Navy Seal and never should have been brought to any trial anyway.

The stupidity was created by someone high up thinking beating a terrorist in the heat of the Iraq war is somehow wrong. What were they thinking? What do they want our military to do? Eventually, we will have no real military at all if things like this are allowed to go forward. We would like to meet the person who gave some directive as: "When taking a terrorist down, please use no force." Yeah right.

The trial was held in Iraq. Petty Officer 1st Class Julio Huertas was declared not guilty by a 6 man jury. The jury apparently decided there was just too much conflicting evidence. Sure. Perhaps that's what they had to say to be politically correct. What they really meant was that this is ridiculous and never should have been wasting their time.

Hopefully, with this episode behind him, Petty Officer 1st Class Julio Huertas can rejoin the Seals and get on with his military career.

Sadly, this was just the first case done. There are three other seals facing disciplinary action.

We applaud the 20 congressmen who have called for all charges against all the Seals to be dropped. Contact you congressman and let them know they need to put a stop to this nonsense.

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