Thursday, March 18, 2010

Walmart and other companies hiring veterans

Walmart has made a concerted effort to hire military veterans, especially junior officers . Bill Simon, 25 year Navy vet, chief operating officer of Walmart, came up with a program to recruit young officers with recent experience leading soldiers, sailors and marines into Iraq and Afghanistan. These veterans had world class leadership experience that would be perfect for leading employees.

Walmart hired 150 of these vets and trained them in retail. They re now expanding the program to every level of the company.

There are other companies that are military and veteran friendly. These include Home Depot, Lowes, State Farm, ATT, Merck, Bank of America, and of course Walmart. Others include Pepsico and GE.

Some of our best and brightest people serve in the military. It makes only sense that companies recognize the benefits that their experience brings is top notch.

We also need to do something about the unemployment rate of our returning enlisted men and women. We are pleased to know that more businesses are opening their arms to these people. They need and deserve it.

The military is unique in that it takes 18 to 20 something year olds and puts them in charge of various degrees of operations. Nothing beats that kind of leadership and experience. These veterans have proven they can work under pressure and excel.

Let's not forget that these young people are put in charge of multimillion dollar equipment and operations. All levels. They're lives depend on not making mistakes.

If you own a business, why not offer a job to an experienced leader, one who has been well groomed, can follow directions, and gets the job done no matter what?

Not every person joining the military will make it a career. Let's help them out and reward them with jobs.

>Military Scholarships

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>Home Loans for Teachers

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