Friday, August 7, 2009

Flying flag at half staff for Michael Jackson. You're kidding, right?

In Carson, California, the mayor decided to fly the flag at half staff on the day of Michael Jackson's funeral. Now we are making no judgments about MJ, but flying the flag at half staff is an honor that is reserved for select individuals. It is not a tool to make political or other statements. Michael Jackson does not fit this honor. Very few celebrities would. Certainly Bob Hope was a true American hero and deserved half staff. The mayor of Carson knew better. But some younger folks decided to hoodwink him into doing it. How crazy is that? The mayor, Jim Dear could have used it as a teaching moment. Instead, he turned the honor into a joke. A joke played against military veterans who see half staff as a very high honor.

The mayor took matters in hand because of a 1996 Carson law that gave the mayor free reign on flag flying. Luckily, Mayor Jim Dear has seen the error of his ways. After meeting with a veteran's group, he decided to remember to only do it for traditional deaths. But come on. You would think this would have been in his brain from the beginning.

How to Fly the US Flag.

VA Veteran Home Loans

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